Wow, beautiful boys, and neither of their erections let up for a single moment. Even the top was still rock hard a minute after he'd released... he could probably have gone again. And what a load it must have been, accompanied by all of that passionate gasping and moaning. Phew!
Csodàlatos, ahogy szeretkeznek. Gyönyörűsèg, ahogy az alsò fiùn làtszik, milyen fantasztikus èrzès, megdugva lenni, ès milyen èrzèkien teszi ezt, a felső fiù. Nagyon szèp, èrzèki, s csòk is, ès, ahogy szèp popòajkai közül, folyik, a csodàlatos geci. Szeretnèk alattuk lenni, hogy kènyeztethessem, szophassam őket, megcsòkolhassam szèp, gecis popòjàt
Loved how the bottom's cock is so hard, so straight out the whole time while he's getting fucked!! Love seeing the cum dribbling out of his ass at the end!! I'd love to suck the bottom while he's getting fucked in his ass!!